Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vocab Poem

Words, Definitions, and Part of speech:

1. vociferous: (adj) Making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry.

2. timorous: (adj) full of fear; fearful

3. imbroglio: (n) a misunderstanding, disagreement, etc., of a complicated or bitter nature, as between persons or nations.

4. pandemonium: (n) wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.

5. servility: (n) slavishly submissive or obsequious

6. illation: (n) the act of inferring; conclusion

7. pastoral: (adj) having the simplicity, charm, serenity, or other characteristics generally attributed to rural areas.

8. kaleidoscopic: (adj) changing form, pattern, color, etc., in a manner suggesting a kaleidoscope

9. prosaic: (adj) lacking in imagination and spirit; dull

10. tessellation: (n) collage, mixture, abstract composition

Bittersweet Reality

That day I was awakened from the naive dream of my childish world. With the vociferous voices crying out like thunder pounding through the whirling gray clouds, I realized the imbroglio that soon broke out into a violent pandemonium. It was like a fight between two dogs, heightening and seemingly never ending. And the biting, growling, screaming, and yelling. My young mind poured over with timorous thoughts like flood waters breaking over a weakened levy. Like debris swept up by a catastrophic tornado, rocking chairs once used to rock infants to sleep were whirled across the room, along with random helpless objects. That day, my life that once seemed comforting and safe, despite the servility that I was ignorant to, reached an illation that seemed like a dead end in the road with no outlet. That day represents more than just this natural disaster that capsized my life. That day created my kaleidoscopic life. My life would become a mosaic of experiences, never prosaic or lacking in color or contrast. The tesselation of comforts and struggles that would inhabit my life would become who I am. That day, though painful and violent, led to the pastoral comfort like a soft breeze after a storm.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

the storm imagery and the broken pieces that add color and a new view are working here. - elmeer